1. Snow- Nana - 12 years old in Septermber 2019
2. Latte-Mike - 12 Years old in August 2019
3. Angel - 11 years old in March 2019
4. Pixie - 9 years old in March 2019
5. Captain aka KikiKo - 9 yeras old in April 2019
6. MayMay - 9 years old in May 2019
7. Merlin (胖子) - 9 years in October 2019
8. PDD - 8 years old in August 2019
9. Gigi - left behind of me at 13:45pm on 10/15/2015 at age of 13
10.Xena - forever 21 since March 14, 2017
11.Vivid - 10 years old in March 2019 (estimate one year older than Pixie)
12. Miri - left at 14:40pm on 1/29/2019 at an age of 4 months short of 8 years old
13.Schaefer - aka BBB - about 7 years old June 2019
14. Hope - hope it could find a good home in Taiwan
Long-Stay/Foster cat
1. Fafa - left suddenly 5/18/2018 at an age of almost 13
2. MiniMi - 13 years old this year 2019
3. Tassy - 5 years old March 18, 2019
4. Manxie - 4 years old March 2019