台灣有些網路賣家 很糟糕 欺負一些懶得看英文的人

賣東西 都說醫生強力推薦

拿FortiFlora來說 毛阿姨給我看了一個網路賣家 還在上面寫說dr. lisa pierson 強力推薦 

騙很大 其實要講是 人家不推薦勒 

下面copy原文  整篇在這裡


If your cat will not eat Pill Pockets, try rolling them in FortiFlora. FortiFlora is a probiotic (beneficial bacteria) that comes in a box with 30 small packets but I am not suggesting it for its probiotic purpose. The reason why I love this product is because the probiotics are contained in a very enticing animal digest powder. This is what is sprayed on dry kibble to make it so palatable.  I think that my cats would eat cardboard if I sprinkled FortiFlora on it!  I always keep this product in my home as a flavor enhancer to be used if my cats don't want to eat for any reason or if I am trying to get them to eat a new food.  Think of it like salt and pepper for your own food.  You can use as little as 1/10 of a package.  Also, don't worry if the product is outdated because we don't care if the probiotic bacteria have died since we are only using it for a flavor enhancer.

FortiFlora is my favorite trick listed on my Tips for Transitioning Dry Food Addicts to Canned Food paper.

人家只是說在轉換食物時候乾食轉成濕食 因為吃乾乾太久的貓咪 有乾乾上癮的可能 而這樣東西是一般coat在乾乾外面 用來吸引貓咪吃乾乾的東西  不是推薦拿來當益生菌使用!



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