Snow has so many nicknames. All names are from deep of my heart for saying "I love you" to this little lady.




she responds all names although she does not like a dog, call and come but she is a true cat.


她是晚上的陪睡貓 其他貓最多睡在我的腳邊 或是兩腿中間 只有阿貓是睡在我的頭旁邊

還用兩隻手幫我脖子按摩 這是她從小養成的習慣 

剛來我家兩個多月大 剛好是冬天 12月 所以她根本是整條小貓橫過我脖子上的睡覺

越來越大 也沒辦法這樣當我的圍巾睡覺 所以就變成了窩在我頭旁邊睡 但很少鑽進被窩

she is the one sleeps by my headside.  In December 2007, about her 2+ months old, the way she slept was to use her tiny and skinny body crossed my neck.  what a warm feeling and remembable days!  Now, she is 4.5 years old and chubby, thus, she sleeps by my headside, either right or left side.  But, she seldom crowed into my blanket to share her warm to me.


她是一隻很自在的貓 she is so laidback. she tolerates other cats while she indeed could be a ONLY ONE cat!


She, probably, is the main reason to make me so IN-LOVE with black cats, especially, shorthaired ones.

她應該是我會那麼愛黑貓的原因 其實 我到沒有ㄧ定要養黑貓 但是看到黑貓一定關心


這隻賴皮貓 知道我愛她 雖然有點小chicken可是知道有我可以靠

she knows where is her harbor of escaping from Captain or Merlin.  As soon as Merlin or Captain gives her trouble, she runs to my side.


My baby Nana!






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