
Histopathology full
histopath report

right hind limb: two sections of distal tibia are examined.  locally extensively replacing the medullary cavity and segmentally infiltrating and replacing the cortical bone of the distal tibia is a densely cellular, poorly demarcated, unencapsulated, infiltrative mass composed of dense haphazard bundles and streams. Neoplastic cells multifocally border irregular spicules of hypocellular homogenous eosinophilic, variably mineralized material (osteoid).  The cells are plump and spindled with indistinct cellular borders and a small to moderate amount of wispy eosinophllic cytoplasm. the nuclei are oval to elongate with finely stippled to hyperchromatic chromatin, and zero to three variably distinct nucleoli.  Anisocytosis and anisokaryosis are moderate, and there are 8 mitotic figures in ten 400x fields.    there are occasional scattered multinucleate neoplastic cells with up to 6-8 nuclei (osteoclasts).   The infiltrated cortical bone is segmentally discontinuous, scalloped, and fragmented, where it is bordered by the mass or osteoclasts (osteolysis).  The disrupted cortical bone is multifocally bordered by anastomosing trabeculae of woven bone (periosteal new bone), intermingled with periosteal fibrosis and edema.

right popliteal lymph node: two sections of lyph node are entirely processed and examined.  there are hyperplastic primary and occasional secondary cortical follicles which mildly compress the surrounding thin fibrous capsule.  The medulla and subcapsular and paratrabecular sinuses are expanded by moderate to large numbers of foamy macrophages, with fewer hemosiderophages, erythroctes, neutrophils, plasma cells, and lymphocytes.  The medulla is mildly edematous.

Microsopic findings:  right hind limb, distal tibia: osteosarcoma
right popliteal lymph node: reactive lymphoid hyperplasia, with sinus histiocytosis.

angiolymphatic invastion is not observed.

excision of this mass is complete, and angiolymphatic invasion is not observed in the examined tissue sectionss.  There is no evidence of neoplasia in the attached regional lymph node, which is reactive.  osteosarcomas are primary malignant bone tumors that arise in the medullary cavity and are characterized b he production of osteoid by malighant osteoblasts. as in dogs, the appendicular skeleton is more often involved than the axial skeleton, but the ratio appears to be reduced.  Similar to canine osteosarcomas, feline osteosarcomas can metastasize, particularly to the lung, but some studies have shown that the incidence of metastasis in feline osteosarcomas in much lower than in dogs.  thus, prognosis for cats with osteosarcoma may be more favorable.

Please note:  the pathologists you requested were unavailable to read this cases.  if you would like this case reviewed by another pahtologist at no additional cahrge, please call client service


咕掃翻譯  沒空細看 先存下來再說










寫甚麼? 沒有認真研究  最好的方法就是找另外一個獸醫看!

1/14/2020 帶阿屁去做針灸  當然把報告一起帶去

醫師仔細看(她是狗客戶多的醫生) 說病理報告說一切OK沒有發現(當然就切除部分) 移轉

原本以為過動兒阿屁可能沒辦法忍受針灸  或是沒耐性

沒想到從在診療檯開始 就是乖乖地 說怕倒也不是  當然一開始可以知道他會緊張(怕) 因為她會把頭藏在我的臂彎裡

從開始下針  她就是一隻貓靜靜地坐的不動 也沒有緊張  當外面有狗哇哇叫 她還特別把頭抬起還轉向門口那邊看看 然後再把頭轉回來


這醫生其實貓針灸經驗梅很多  (因為貓會動) 劉美麗是她第一個貓針灸

我願意讓她試是因為除了針灸醫師難找外  她是華裔 長得像日本人 一句華語也不會說也不懂 但她是華裔  啊要給人家機會

雖說另外一個朋友(在醫師那裏認識的朋友 她的貓也是短毛黑  ㄎㄎ  要不是短毛黑 我可能根本不理)的貓被她算是有醫療失誤  導致腎有問題 要長期打點滴

但是不論是哪個醫生  我們自己都要相信自己的直覺



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