- Jun 15 Tue 2021 03:45
Hospice Care - Pixie 安寧照護
- May 23 Sun 2021 13:14
屁子 阿屁子 Pixie oh, my Pixie
今天第二個腫瘤診所有個醫生客戶臨時取消預約 打電話來問我能不能去
阿屁骨癌在轉移到肺 又到肝(產生腹水) 後 決定在徵詢第二意見 找了一間專門看癌症的 約的時候竟然約到6/22 (生意好啊 也就是說癌症病患多啊)
我請小姐幫我排候補 果真 今天臨時通知
- May 17 Mon 2021 15:43
- May 14 Fri 2021 09:13
腹部積水 (阿屁啊 阿屁)
阿屁從有骨肉癌以來 一直"喜歡" 我柔她肚子
這幾天覺得她肚子特別大 昨天忍不住硬是插隊看醫生 感謝Anstasia 的大力幫忙
醫生發現是腹水 趕快加x-ray 及腹部超音波
確定有一邊肝臟腫大 感謝的是腹腔組織看起來都正常
所以作細針穿刺取樣肝臟 及排腹部積水 外加積水送檢
- Mar 20 Sat 2021 07:29
屁子 When osteoscarcoma and lung met
Osteosarcoma in cats is relatively rare in the animal kingdom and lung mets in cats is even rarer.
是啊 沒錯 說是這樣說 可是阿屁碰到了
這兩粒小小是在第一次個療程化療做完第一個 follow up check 照到的
- Mar 11 Thu 2021 21:36
在第一次化療後 阿屁的肺部還是出現了兩個小小點
跟三個醫生討論癌症醫生的治療方案後 (對三個) 開始了第二階段的化療
第二階段的化療上個月結束了 最近一次回診 醫生抽血照胸部X光 還是有一個小點小小長大
於是醫生開了口服抗癌藥 醫生是預期我3/10開始給阿屁服用 (每星期一三五服用) 我 我 我 還在研究 打算下星期再開始
- Apr 13 Mon 2020 05:37
what next?
what next?
is it a time to make changes? or
it is THE time to make changes!
my life looks like not affected by the VIURS a lot but............................
- Feb 14 Fri 2020 11:34
- Jan 22 Wed 2020 04:44
1/21/2020 是阿屁第二次針灸
1/14/2020是第一次針灸 很意外的她竟然 全程安安靜靜趴在診療台上 讓醫生下針
整這15分鐘連動都不動 有啦 就是聽到門外有狗的聲音 轉頭去看而已
- Jan 14 Tue 2020 08:31
Histopath Report (病理報告) 阿屁的術後病理報告
Histopathology full
histopath report
right hind limb: two sections of distal tibia are examined. locally extensively replacing the medullary cavity and segmentally infiltrating and replacing the cortical bone of the distal tibia is a densely cellular, poorly demarcated, unencapsulated, infiltrative mass composed of dense haphazard bundles and streams. Neoplastic cells multifocally border irregular spicules of hypocellular homogenous eosinophilic, variably mineralized material (osteoid). The cells are plump and spindled with indistinct cellular borders and a small to moderate amount of wispy eosinophllic cytoplasm. the nuclei are oval to elongate with finely stippled to hyperchromatic chromatin, and zero to three variably distinct nucleoli. Anisocytosis and anisokaryosis are moderate, and there are 8 mitotic figures in ten 400x fields. there are occasional scattered multinucleate neoplastic cells with up to 6-8 nuclei (osteoclasts). The infiltrated cortical bone is segmentally discontinuous, scalloped, and fragmented, where it is bordered by the mass or osteoclasts (osteolysis). The disrupted cortical bone is multifocally bordered by anastomosing trabeculae of woven bone (periosteal new bone), intermingled with periosteal fibrosis and edema.
right popliteal lymph node: two sections of lyph node are entirely processed and examined. there are hyperplastic primary and occasional secondary cortical follicles which mildly compress the surrounding thin fibrous capsule. The medulla and subcapsular and paratrabecular sinuses are expanded by moderate to large numbers of foamy macrophages, with fewer hemosiderophages, erythroctes, neutrophils, plasma cells, and lymphocytes. The medulla is mildly edematous.
Microsopic findings: right hind limb, distal tibia: osteosarcoma
- Jan 08 Wed 2020 10:47
阿屁開刀去 (骨癌)
這醫院算是很負責任 開刀前打電話來報告狀況(貓麻醉適應等)
屁子右後腳只剩下大腿 那就是說中腿與小腿一併切除
屁子(阿屁的眾多小名之一) 患部在小腿(腿掌) 醫生切除中腿是為了安全