之前就知道有這種貓 但是也一直沒有去注意 這次因為有人在網路上問我說 merlin到底是 土耳其安哥拉還是vankedisi? 下面這link的comment
ㄏㄏ 我怎麼知道 谁在乎阿
不過 這也叫出了我腦袋中對這種貓的記憶
這種貓是一種特殊的貓 生長在土耳其梵湖附近 ㄏㄏ 那個故鄉就是跟土耳其梵貓同一地點啦 它其實就是梵貓紙是沒有梵貓的顏色特色 因為純白
wikepedia 定義
The Turkish Vankedisi is a breed name accepted by some cat registries to refer to the Van Kedisi and pure white versions of the Turkish Van.
這種貓 照片可以看這裡
看看那貓的照片 merlin有那麼一點像 可是那裏不對勒? 很清楚啊 那個耳朵毛就不對啊 ㄏㄏ 看清楚我們再退號喔(對號入座的相反)
Van Kedisi Cat Appearence
They have long, white, silky fur, a long body, and a long and fluffy tail. They have heavy, muscular paws, and a very energetic nature.
Their most notable genetic characteristic is their almond-shaped eyes that often are mismatched colors . The most valued and valuable members of the breed generally have one amber-green eye and one blue eye. They also reportedly have a genetic tendency to deafness.
A particular characteristic of Van cats is their eye colour. The majority of Van cats have either blue eyes or amber eyes, but a large proportion has one blue-coloured eye and one amber-coloured eye. The blue colour is almost always a light turquoise-blue, but the amber comes in varying shades.
When they are born, Van cat kittens all have grey-coloured eyes, and their individual eye colours only begin to become apparent after about 25 days. When born, there are often one or two smudges of black-coloured fur on the heads of the kittens, between their ears. These black spots are lost after about 2 months. It is said that most Van cat kittens with two spots of black colouring will develop single-colour eyes.
Merlin喔 現在身體看不出來是long body喔 有fluffy tail 至於毛 正在調養中 不過 它的腳掌 的確比較muscular 活潑是肯定啦 把小太妹追得唉唉叫 還不活潑喔
來貼幾張它修理妹妹的照面 妹妹超乖 不過雖說至修理 可是妹妹沒有唉唉叫 不像是小太妹得唉唉叫 所以通常它們這樣玩/打 我是不會理它捫
屁小小躲在被窩裡頭 這個小白目還是要去惹她
那些愛自動對號入座的 不小心看到這篇 不知道會不會因此產生一堆的 van kedisi????????
送養中的貓 我不介意幫它對號入座 但是有人養的貓 那就是寶貝了 哪裡來分品種 品種只是品種業者抬高貓身價的一種方法罷了
你的貓需要這樣抬高身價嗎? 那要怎樣? 增加被偷的機會?????? 有好東西在手而且你想保有 就要電電