did you see that a flyng white bird from above picture? It was a egret! A Taiwanese egret.
沒辦法有同事一早就到 所以就帶去這裡來看鷺鷥 熱啊 雖然才八點多快九點 熱啊
Taiwan Buffalo, yes, we have buffalo too.
我怕牛ㄝ I don't dislike buffalo but am afraid of it.
a closed look! they would stay in water in hot summer days. Egrets and Taiwan buffalos are commensal.
我很怕他走出來 後來他真的是朝著我們走來 他還來不及上岸 我早就把范先生丟後面 自己趕快跑 不過我有很有意思的說"范先生 快走"
a library! yes, it is a library.
Lily at a lily pond. weather is way too hot!
water fall
the library
warmspring mesume
It was a popular place for taking warmspring bath/shower in old old age back probably WWII. I never stepped in it because I dislike the feeling.
我喔 就是不喜歡進去 所以別強迫我
the musume
fish-eyed effect
big leaves? yes, big leaves because we were in subtropico 這應該是姑婆芋吧????
it former named Hell Valley because it did look like Hell.
after rebuilt, it is a famout sightseeing spot.
feel like taking steam spa in the park
you could feel hot and cool wind kiss onto you.
Looks ok hot, right? if you tried to take bath here, you would definitely steam cooked.
Many lives were taken during its Hell Valley years.
My lunch! the End!