

最近 悄悄的發現了一件事  就是


那些拿來建立所謂貓的腎指數標準範圍的研究並非針對那些吃生食的貓(species-appropriate high-meat-protein diet)

吃均衡生食的貓bun 通常會比吃商業寵物食品的貓的指數高  但尿尿沒有dilute喔



網路上找找通常給予均衡生食的貓的腎指數 甚至是 cre也是高於一般吃有穀飼料的貓,難道這就代表了腎功能會早日燒光光嗎?  好像也未必


說實在的還沒找到好的研究文章 所以這篇還在研究中


有個豹貓媽媽她的經驗是  她家的豹貓跟Savannah貓 (以下是牠答覆一個人在問(Originally Posted by mschauer View Post
<snipped> Has anyone feeding raw had their vet say lab results show BUN or creatine values outside of the normal range but it turned out to not be a problem???)

When my pure Leptailurus serval, F1 Bengal (theoretical twig value of 62% Prionailurus bengalensis) and F3 Savannah had there quarterly blood work (the pure Serval and F1 Bengal saw a licensed zoo veterinarian, but refused to see my F3 Savannah) and the lab compared them to domestics cats (the zoo veterinarian used the same lab as a domestic veterinarian and the lab was not familiar with the latin names of the exotics, hence thought it was a typo) the above values where sky high when compared to a domestic. However, my F1 Bengal lived for 14 years (I got her around three years old from a breeder because she refused to mate any F5 Bengal tom and was SUPPER HUMAN oriented/tame!) and my pure Leptailurus serval lived for 10 to 15 years (I was his fifth and final owner and I NEVER GOT HIS USDA POINT OF ORIGIN PAPERS!). My F3 Savannah (that is 12% theoretical twig value Serval) had SKY HIGH (according to my vet, who only saw domestics and was scared of house cat laughing02.gif BUN or creatinine levels and died of Lymphoma (isn't related to those levels) at around three years old ( please note, the other two died of Lymphoma, just at a MUCH older age

上面引用自 :

(第九樓的 cat person)


大意就是介紹她家的純野貓(薮猫),第一代豹貓跟第三代的 savannah cat.  這些貓每一季都有做血檢 其中薮猫跟第一代豹貓看得是一位動物園職照的醫生,這位醫生拒絕看地三到savannah cat (可能是因為跟野生貓血緣"太"遠了)

血檢的結果跟一般家貓(上面我講過了 家貓血檢質是怎麼建立的)比簡直是超高

薮猫跟第一代豹貓活到10-15歲(薮猫)跟14歲  比較早死的是那隻只活到三歲的savannh cat 但其死於淋巴瘤,另外兩隻(薮猫跟第一代豹貓)事實上也是死於淋巴瘤 只是年長後才死的

我家阿妹妹是吃生食的 下次再請醫生驗 不過一定被醫生罵浪費 才四歲不到驗啥驗  不過勒 好歹來挖醫生那裏看她有沒有一些研究文章


批ㄟ司: 我最怕我家乾乾貓ㄚ屁的腎指數異常 (我家ㄚ屁吃的不是無穀乾飼料  是納個普瑞那綠包為主的乾乾)





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