12/20/2019 一早六點多(七點多的drop off appointment)出門帶阿屁去醫生那裏排隊做骨切片 (bone biopsy)
放完阿屁一路開車去公司路上 想想不能坐以待斃 (中文是這樣用的嗎?)
所以又開始看網路有關骨癌的文章 阿屁還沒確定是骨癌 但是最嚴重就是骨癌了
所以又開始翻譯 我自己可以以後翻(書)來看看
What You Should Know about Osteosarcoma (Bone Cancer) in Cats
A type of bone cancer called osteosarcoma is the most common type of primary bone cancer, accounting for over 95% of all bone tumors. Other types of bone cancer are chondrosarcoma, fibrosarcoma, and hemangiosarcoma. “Primary” refers to cancer that starts in the bone versus spreading (metastasizing) into the bone from somewhere else.1 The cause of osteosarcoma in cats isn’t well understood.
骨肉瘤是骨癌的一種也是最常見的原發性骨癌一種約占超過95%的骨癌是這種. 其他型態的骨癌有軟骨肉瘤,纖維肉瘤與血管肉瘤.所謂"原發性"是指癌性始於骨骼相較於從其他地方擴散(轉移)到骨頭中.貓骨肉瘤原因尚不清楚
Does My Cat Have Osteosarcoma?
Osteosarcoma can occur in any bone in a pet’s body. Osteosarcoma is extremely aggressive, and it spreads quickly to other parts of the body, making early detection and treatment vital. While osteosarcoma is also the most common type of bone tumor in cats, it’s relatively uncommon overall. In addition, osteosarcoma is much less aggressive in cats than in dogs.
骨肉瘤可能發生寵物身上任何部位的骨頭中. 骨肉瘤侵襲性很強, , 且會快速的擴散到身體其他部位,因此早期發現與治療至關重要. 雖骨肉瘤也是貓骨腫瘤中最常見的一種,但總體而言並不常見. 此外,貓骨肉瘤侵襲性叫狗的骨肉瘤小很多.
Signs and Symptoms of Osteosarcoma in Cats 貓骨肉瘤的跡象與徵狀
The symptoms of osteosarcoma in cats can be subtle, and they may include:
- Lameness that doesn’t go away and swelling of the affected bone; these are the most common symptoms when a tumor affects a limb
- Swelling or a mass; this is often the first sign of a tumor in the skull, jaw, or ribs
- Difficulty eating if a tumor affects the jaw
- Neurologic signs, such as seizures or a wobbly gait, with the skull or spinal/vertebral tumors
- Breathing difficulties or lameness with rib tumors
- Loss of appetite and letharg
Diagnosis and Staging Osteosarcoma in Cats
To diagnose osteosarcoma, veterinarians typically follow these steps:
- First, your vet will take an X-ray and perform a physical and orthopedic examination to rule out other causes of lameness.
- To obtain a definitive diagnosis and determine the best treatment plan for your pet, any problem areas identified on the X-ray will be biopsied.
- Chest X-rays or a computed tomography (CT) scan, blood tests, and a urinalysis will be performed to assess your pet’s overall health and determine if cancer has spread (in 90–95% of dogs, the tumor will have already metastasized at the time of diagnosis; osteosarcoma most commonly spreads to the lungs).2
Advanced CT imaging is often recommended for osteosarcoma tumors of the limbs because it provides better information for a veterinary surgeon to determine if surgery is possible and the extent of surgery necessary to achieve a favorable outcome.
*為了取得更明確的診斷及決定對寵物有最佳的治療方式,任何X光看出有問題的部位會進行活體檢驗 (活體切片?)
*胸腔X光或是斷層掃描 (CT scan),血檢,尿檢以評估寵物整體得健康狀況及決定是否癌性已經擴散 (90%-95%的狗再確診時腫瘤已經擴散;最常見的擴散部位是肺)
如果是肢體的骨肉瘤醫生通常會建議做更進一步的CT成像因為CT imaging 可以提供給獸醫更好的資訊來決定是否需要手術及手術是否能達到好的結果
Treatment Options for Osteosarcoma in Cats 骨肉瘤的治療選擇有那些
Because osteosarcomas tumors are so aggressive, amputating the affected limb followed by chemotherapy to treat metastasis is the most common treatment. While amputation isn’t the right option for all pets, otherwise healthy cats can function quite well with three legs.
Limb-sparing surgery—in which the tumor is removed and the bone is replaced with another bone (either from your pet or from a bone bank)—may be an option depending on the tumor’s location and whether it is relatively small at the time of diagnosis. The complication rate for this type of surgery, particularly infection, is relatively high, however.
When surgery isn’t an option due to tumor location, stereotactic radiation (SRS/SRT) can be beneficial. It can also be an alternative to amputation for cats in which the osteosarcoma hasn’t destroyed a great deal of bone. This advanced, highly accurate type of radiation therapy focuses high doses of radiation to damage and kill osteosarcoma cells. Follow-up chemotherapy is still necessary.
The main advantage of SRS/SRT is that it delivers high doses of radiation with sub-millimeter precision. This means:
- Maximum damage to the tumor and minimal collateral damage to healthy tissues nearby
- Fewer treatment sessions compared to conventionally fractionated radiation therapy (CFRT)—patients require only 1-3 sessions, which means fewer anesthetic events, less risk, and less disruption to your schedule
- Potential for quicker recovery with fewer side effects
- Ability to treat tumors previously considered untreatable with radiation
- PetCure Oncology’s radiation oncologists are experienced using SRS/SRT to treat cats with osteosarcoma
Palliative treatment, which aims to make your pet more comfortable but doesn’t provide a cure, can include conventional radiation therapy and drugs to reduce pain.
因骨肉瘤侵襲性很強,最常見的建議是截肢之後再加上用化療來治療移轉. 當然截肢對某些動物來說不是對的選擇, 否則健康貓也可以用三隻腳正常生活 (這句話我可能翻得不對 但總而言之 應該是"並非所有的寵物都適合截肢 但貓三隻腳也可以健康生活?)
保留肢體的手術是一種選擇,是移除腫瘤及患骨並用其他的骨骼替代(從寵物本身或骨庫中取出)替換骨頭- 也可能是一種選擇。診斷。但是,這種類型的手術,特別是感染的並發症發生率相對較高。
當因腫瘤部位讓手術不是一個選項,立體定向放射(SRS / SRT)可能會有幫助。它也可能是一個截肢的替代選項對於骨肉瘤並未破壞大量骨骼的貓。這種先進的,高度精確的放射治療類型將高劑量的放射聚焦於損傷和殺死骨肉瘤細胞。但後續化療仍是必要的。
SRS / SRT的主要優勢在於,它可以以亞毫米級的精度提供高劑量的輻射。這意味著:
*PetCure(此文的獸醫院)腫瘤科的放射腫瘤學家經驗豐富,可以使用SRS / SRT治療患有骨肉瘤的貓
"姑息治療" (消極的治療?_)旨在使您的寵物更舒適,但無法治愈,可以包括常規放射治療和減輕疼痛的藥物。
Osteosarcoma in Cats: Life Expectancy, Survival, and Prognosis
The prognosis for pets with osteosarcoma depends on the severity and spread of the disease and on the treatment you choose. As with any cancer, the earlier it is diagnosed and treated, the better the chances that treatment will be successful.
患有骨肉瘤的寵物的預後取決於疾病的嚴重程度和傳播程度以及您選擇的治療方法。 與任何癌症一樣,診斷和治療越早,治療成功的機會就越大。
(我自己翻成" 曾患骨肉瘤的存活期與骨肉瘤嚴重程度與擴散狀況及您所選擇得治療方式有關)
阿屁從小帶進來 啾啾叫 一天到晚罵我 抱怨
每天無時無刻很急躁的跑來跑去 猛喳喳的往上往下跳
當她連平常輕而易舉的能夠跳上去的她專屬吃飯櫃子 都要你報的時候 就不對了