緣由: 因為有網友來我這裡private comment,建議我過去她的blog看看 因為她問過dr. lisa pierson 看了我想 ㄏㄏ 就是我下面講得那句話 紅色的 所以讓我在這一篇跟另外一篇就改變我的做法 我把Anne得有骨頭跟沒有骨頭的食譜翻譯出來 我不上鎖 有緣人可以看到就看到
我個人認為網路上的言論 閱讀者都不能照單全收 一定要自己做功課 ㄏㄏ當然連我的blog也是啊
很重要得是Anne(我不知道她全名ㄝ) 人家沒有推薦這個食譜指認為非必要不要用這食譜
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: The recipe that follows is inferior to the recipe above. [註1] Why? Because it does not contain realy bone and relies on an isolated calcium supplement. Cats shold eat REAL bone. But if you do not yet have a grinder, this recipe will suffice for short-term use. It also has some gelatin in it to make up for missing cartilage. Please don't use this recipe indefinitely.
這個食譜比上面的食譜(就是那份有用到骨頭的食譜)差, 為什麼? 因為它沒有包含真正的骨頭而只仰賴鈣補充品. 貓需要吃真正的骨頭. 但是如果你還沒有一台絞肉機, 這個食譜對你短期使用上是夠的. 它有包含一些膠質去補充沒用到骨頭的軟骨. 請不用將這份食譜長期使用
1400 grams [3 pounds] raw muscle meat (i.e. meat from chicken thighs and drumsticks or turkey or rabbit) 生肌肉 (例如雞大腿, 雞腿或是火雞或是兔子)
400 grams [14oz] raw heart (if no heart is available, substitute with 4000 mg Taurine) 生心(如果找不到那麼就用4000mg的牛磺酸)
200 grams [7oz] raw liver (if you can not find appropriate liver, you can substitute 40,000 IU of Vitamin A and 1600 IU of Vitamin D-- but try to use real liver instead of substitutes) 生肝(如果找不到適合的肝那麼用維他命A40,000 IU and 維他命D1600IU替代)
Note: If you can not find the heart or liver and decide to substitute with the Taurine/Vitamin A and D, then remember to REPLACE the missing amount of organ meat with the equivalent amount of muscel meat. In other words, if you cannot find heart, you add another 400 grams of the meat/bones. If you cann't find the liver, add another 200 grams of meat/bone.
注意:如果你找不到心或是肝而決定用牛磺酸,維他命A and D替代,那請記得要將不夠的量部分補回來. 就是說,如果你找不到心那要加回400 grams的肉跟骨,如果是肝那你要加回200grams的肉跟骨
16oz (2 cups) water
4 tablespoons bonemeal (this kind intended for human consumption --not the type for gardening)
2 tablespoons unflavored gelatin
4 raw eggs yolks (use eggs from free-range, antibiotic-free chicken if you can)
4 capsules raw glandular supplement, such as, for example, multigland supplement by Immoplex
4000 mg salmone oil (see not at bottom of recipe*)
800 IU Vitamin E ("dry E" works well)
200 mg Vitamin B complex
1.5 tsp. lite salt (with iodine)
(optional: 4 tsp psyllium husk powder (8 tsp. if using whole psyllium jusks; see not at bottom of recipe**)
Note: If you will not be using th foold immediately and freezing for more than a week or two, toss in 4000 mg of additional Taurine to make up for what may get lost during storage. It is also not a bad idea to sprinkle extra Taurine form a capsule on th food as you're serving it two or three times a week, just to be certain your cat is getting plenty of this critical amino acid.
如果你沒有馬上使用而是將其冷凍超過一或兩個星期,那在多加4000mg牛磺酸來補充可能因為冷凍過程流失的牛磺酸. 你也可以在你要弄給你的貓吃的時候加入一些, 一星期兩到三次, 來確保你的貓能夠攝取足夠的胺基酸.
- Remove about half of the skin from the muscle meat. Chunk up (i.e., cut) much of muscle meat (minus most of the skin if using chicken or turkey, but leave skin on if using rabbit) into bite-sized (nickel-sized, approximately) pieces. Save the chunked meat for later-do not grind it.移除大約一半的皮.將肉切一切(將火雞跟雞肉皮移除但是如果你用兔子不要將皮移除)切成可咬的大小(大約五分錢大小).將這些切好的肉留著 不要絞碎
- grind the raw liver, remaining meat and the raw heart. Once ground, stir this mixture well and return to refrigerator. Once ground, stir this mixture very well and regrigerate. 將肝跟剩下的心跟肉一起絞碎.絞碎後就將所以的東西混合然後放回冰箱
- Fill a bowl with 2 cups of water and whisk everything (non-meat) except the psyllium and gelatin. If you had to replace liver with Vitamin A and D or heart with Taurine, add those substitutes now. Add psyllium (if you are using that) and gelatin t the end and stir well. (If you add the psyllium and gelatin too soon it clumps up) Finally, put the three mixtures together-the "supplement slurry" that you have jsut ixed, the ground-up meat, and the chunks of meat you cut by hand. Portion into containers and freeze. 將水跟其他的補充品除了洋車前子跟膠質外放到一個碗裡頭充分混合.如果你使用維他命A and D替代肝跟用牛磺酸替代心 那麼在這時候一起加入. 然後再將洋車前子跟膠質替代品在充分混合(如果這兩樣加太快 東西會凝結) 最後再將放在冰箱裡的肉跟切好的小肉丁 一起充分混合之後放入包裝盒中去冷凍
Don't overfill the containers. Thaw only what you can use within 48 hours. Warm the food in a plastic bag under hot water to take off the chill, and serve.
包裝盒裡頭不要裝過多的份量, 一個盒子裝你在48小時內會用完的量. 將這食物放在一個塑膠袋裡頭用熱水來解凍然後給貓吃
*Every two or three days, I suggest sprinkling a few drop of fresh salmon oil from a newly-opened capsule on to the cats' food. The Essential Fatty Acids in salmon oil are extremely fragile, and since we don't know exactly how much gets lots during freezing, I think it's wise to use a bit of fresh salmon oil directly on the food a few time a week. Most cats love the flavor.
*每兩三天,我見意灑幾滴鮭魚油放從膠囊裡頭在你的貓食物裡頭. 這重要的脂肪酸非常損壞,因為我們不知道經過冷凍程序這脂肪酸會損失多少,她認為一星期在貓食中加入幾滴的鮭魚油是明智的.大部分的貓喜歡這東西
**Not all cats require additioanl fiber (pshllium) in their diet. If your cat has been eating low-quality commerical food for several years, especially dry food, she may have lost bowel elasticity and may be benefit form the extra fiber. As a general rule, I recommend using psyllium when a adult cat first gets raw food. I rarely add much psyllium to my adult cat's diet. Bear in mind that some cats seem to get constipated without additonal fiber, whereas other cats seems to get constipated if they get too much fiber. Each cat isunique, and you'll have to judge whtat works best for your cat.
**不是所有的貓都需要額外纖維的.如果你的貓已經吃了好幾年的低品質商業寵物食品尤其是乾飼料,那麼它的腸可能已經喪失了彈性且可能因為加入額外纖維而受惠. 一般來說,她建議成貓第一次吃生食的時候要加入洋車前子. 她很少在她的成貓食物裡頭加入洋車前子. 要記住得是有些貓似乎會因為沒有額外纖維而有便秘現象,而其他可能會因額外纖維有便秘現象. 每一隻貓都是不同的你必需要自己去找出對你的貓最好的方式