按照來我家先後順序 當天使得另外算
1. Snow - Nana - will be 16 coming september
2. latter -mike - will be 16 this august
3. angel - just reach 15 years of her cat life this month (march)
5. Kiki-cap - 13 years of next month
7. Merlin - heading to age of 13 in October this year
8. PDD - aka King Authurs will be 12 this August
13. Vivid - estimated age is 14 and older.
16. Schaefer - a FIV+ cat, estimate age is around 13 now
17. Tess - born in March 2014
18. Manxie - age is about 6 months younger than Tess, therefore, Sep 2014?
19 Tiny - esimate is 9/21/2019, from best friends (i have to keep one cat from there, do i?)
20. Peter Pan - newly brought in from my backyard, estiamte at about 2 years olf this year.
Angeled Cats
4. Pixie-stella - cross on 8/1/2021 bone cancer at age 11
6 MayMay - crossed on August 20, 2022 aged at 12 forever
9. Vogue-Gigi - time stamped at 10/15/2018 date of birth estimated at 1/1/2005 during a Great Kitty Rescue by Best Friends Animal Society in 2007
10. Xena - forever 21 years old, crossed on 3/14/2017
12, Miri - also from Best Friends, too young to die, crossed 1/19/2019 due to aggressive lymphoma
14. Fafa - foster cat - went to rainbow bridge 5/17//2018, my painful memory and still so dislike that VCA orange. aged at 12 or 13
15. MiniMi - went to the rainbow bridge 12/20/2021 at agte 15 or 16
any one got left behind?