小mer的檢驗一共包括了 urinalysis add-on (尿分析), CBC COMPREHENSIVE (chemistry panel & complete blood count blood work), CHEM 27, T4, FeLV ANTIGEN (ELISA) TEST, FIV ANTIBODY BY ELIS TEST and FCov ANTIBODD BY IFA test
URINALYSIS ADD-ON: RBC 20-30 HPF high 正常是 0-5
lymphocytes (淋巴球) 19% low 正常是 20-55
monocytes (單核白血球) 9% high 正常是 1-4
auto platelet (血小板?) 136 K/uL low 正常是 170-600
comments: scanning of the blood smear revealed adequate platelet number. due to coumping and /or large platelets the audtomated platelet number cannot be accurately determined.
slide reviewed microscopically
absolute lymph =1121/uL low 正常是 1500-7000
這淋巴球跟白血球問題 應該事發燒吧????
血小板 若是整各報告 沒有提出特別注意事項 這也不會是一個concern 下面有個獸醫回答 有人詢問問題
A low platelet count is actually a very common finding in cat’s bloodwork results. It is usually not a cause for concern, unless your 15 yr old kitty is showing symptoms of illness. The only reason to be worried is if the doctor saw any bizarre platelet formation. But if the laboratory did not report any findings, I wouldn’t be concerned. Both platelet clumping and low automated counts are extremely common in feline bloodwork results and in fact, it can be very tough to get an accurate count. So unless your cat is showing any signs of illness, be very glad that your cat’s baseline results appears normal for your happy cat. Thanks for being such a conscientious mom.
嗯 上面我不是問的人 但是看看有關血小板通常問題 到是還好
看檢驗項目 應該是肝腎檢查
ALT (SGPT) = 27U/L low 正常是28-100
查了一下internet這個指數若是高就是不好 可能透露 肝受損 (fatty liver or
FeLV - negative
FIV -negative
FCov antibody - negative
醫生結論是: 上面或高或低得指數 在貓沒有其他明顯的及病問題來說 這些是很多貓驗血常建的高低指數 還沒有需要特別注意的