I always remembered his face the first time I touched him in probably July of 2010, which was a disappointed, helpless and leave-me-alone face. 


Ellen knew that I loved female cats over male cats.  She did not push me to take him in.


Because I wanted Lady Tiger to explore more to public at Petsmart (Halladay was in Petsmart's display room), I offerred (yes, I initiated the offer)to exchange Lady Tiger with this boy (the boy was caged up at their cattery.  At this moment, I did not adopt him yet, only exchange him and Oreo, now MayMay, to forster.



Yes, to Ellen and Kit, this was a very good deal to them, exchanged a hard to be adopted black cat with a beautiful brown tabby cat. At first, or course, only forstering but soon after I found out he had ringworm. I adopted him. I just could not stand him to be caged up until ringworm gone although Ellen offered to take him back.  I did not see him until October since July and I knew why.  Once, I wondered he was gone.  It was strange, I just remembered him, I just remembered him after first meet in July.


First reaction Ellen had when she confirmed Captain had ringworm was thought through that Mousie, Halladay and Lady Tiger did not have skin condition AND denied that Captain carried ringworm from their cattery.  WTH!  i did not arugement anything because I could image why he got ringworm.  It was pressure of being in cage, for sure!!!!



This boy scares Snow often.  He kenw well that I did not want him to scare Snow.  He runs very fast to upstairs as soon as i tried to stop him.



Probably, he just wants to be the boss of my house cats.




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