貓很會生沒錯 那天Ellen, the cat lady,在我跟她借貓籠 要走的時候, 兩個眼睛定定的看著我 跟我說 "get her spay as soon as possible. there are too many cats out there."
曾經看過有人在blog寫說 貓的絕育 也可能是醫生做生意的手法
信誰呢? 我信ellen因為 她在做TNR (我覺得N應該改成ALTER) 總有送不完的貓
- Unfortunately there are reasons to not have more kittens in the world. There are far more cats and kittens than homes. So the sad reality is that every new kitten is competing with others who are already born, and if you have kittens who find homes, then other kittens will not get those homes. It's sad, but much kinder, for your cats' kittens to never be born in the first place than for other kittens to be born and then die outside or in shelters.
Also remember that even if momcat is in good health, she may turn out to be not a good mom, and then you would be bottlefeeding and raising her kittens. Many folks on this list have done it when they've had to, but I understand it's a heck of a hard job.
It's sad. Nell, my first feral cat, who led me to this list, was spayed before her rescuer brought her to live at my house, and I was really sad when I found out that she had been pregnant. But in the 3 years since then, I've fostered many kittens born to feral or stray cats, and have seen how hard it is to find homes for all of them - even though I'm working with a good rescue group that has a strong adoption program. So now I don't hesitate about spaying a pregnant cat. I know it's the best thing for The Cat Nation as a whole.
我想要怪那些BREEDERS一下 我講的是專業的 牠們雖然說 寵物級一定要絕育 但是也因為他們"創造"那麼多可愛的貓
但是並非人人買的起那麼貴的貓 但是並非人人有貓口控制觀念 所以當然就有"造福"貓迷大眾的人 "路見不平 拔刀相助" 出來"造福貓迷大眾"讓貓生到死
那些沒有被怪到的 自己想想啊 用你那聰明笨腦袋想想啊
有些稀有的貓 在台灣 ㄏ ㄏ 竟然變成幾乎每人一貓 可惡啊 看貓耳朵捶下來很可愛 難道你看貓發病也覺得很可愛嗎?
你看貓扁鼻流眼淚 也是可愛? 你是什麼心啊?