好久沒貼妹妹 MayMay has no on blog image for a long while.
這個小妹妹 很乖 但是最近 揉麵都會看著我叫 是個ㄋㄞ ㄋㄞ妹
She is a very sweet sweet girl. She got a habit of meowing while kneading biscuit.
妹妹跟阿貓兩個 被剛剛的聲音嚇到 She and Snow were hiding here because of loud noise made by Pixie.
最愛坐這椅子了 幾乎是她的專屬 (那個標籤喔 等我有空再剪掉)
This is her VIP chair.
February 4, 2012, MayMay has to do annual exam. She did not show her fears when she was at my vet's office. She is an unusual female cat according to my vet. Usually, female cats are more shy at outside. well, this was the main reason once I wanted to get her to attend cat show. I eased the thought because too many vaccines a show cat needs to have. Vaccine is somehow very uncomfortable to me.
妹妹喔 只有一個兩個字形容 就是乖啦
毛不太長 不喜歡梳毛(應該是我懶所造成的吧) 還好平常不掉毛的 只有到醫生那裏 大緊張 才有廢毛跑出來
她是醫生認為少數有得母貓 一般母貓到外面都非常shy 但是她不會(ㄟ其實她會啦 那個毛一直掉就知道 這點有點像我 出去表面別人看起來不緊張 其實心裡面緊張死了)
妹妹看起來沒有很重 抱起來比外表重 她也是我家女生裡面 阿貓以外 超過10磅的勒 阿貓看起來還小胖胖 妹妹 看起來 就是身材好啦 (我又在臭美了)