
因為我家阿珠有點起喘問題 啊 花了五年才發現!!!! 所以又來看看這是怎麼一回事

下面是我自己用的 不做其他用途

The following translation is for my own use since I have a cat with Feline Asthma.\




Feline asthma has been called by many other names, including chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, and allergic bronchitis. Regardless of the name, it is a common feline ailment. Inhaled allergens cause sudden contraction of the smooth muscles around airways, leading to typical clinical symptoms. It is usually impossible to determine which allergens cause asthma in individual cats, but common ones include grass and tree pollens, cigarette or fireplace smoke, various sprays (hair sprays, deodorants, flea sprays, deodorizers), and dust from cat litter.

貓氣喘有很多個名稱,慢性支氣管炎,支氣管氣喘跟過敏性支氣管炎. 不論名字如何稱呼,這是一種普通的貓咪疾病. 典型的臨床症狀就是吸入過敏源造成的突然的氣到平滑肌的收縮. 通常是沒有辦法切確知道造成個別貓氣喘的過敏原,但是通常有可能是草(ㄟ這個我有疑問 難道阿珠每次吃小麥草必吐也是因為氣喘? 可是阿珠又特別愛吃)樹的花粉,香菸或是壁爐的煙,各種的噴霧(例如髮膠,除臭劑,除蚤劑)跟貓沙的粉塵.



Feline asthma is found in all areas of the world and in cats of all ages. The prevalence in the general adult cat population is about 1%. The most common symptoms in cats with asthma are wheezing and coughing. The coughing has been described as a dry, hacking cough that could be confused with gagging or retching. Many cats are misdiagnosed as having hairballs! Paroxysms of coughing occur frequently. In mildly affected cats, coughing and wheezing may occur only occasionally. A few cats with asthma are asymptomatic in between acute and severe bouts of airway constriction. The most severely affected cats have daily coughing and wheezing and many bouts of airway constriction, leading to open-mouth breathing and panting that can be life threatening.


貓氣喘的發生沒有區分特別的地區或是年紀.  在成年貓的比例大約是1%. 最普通的症狀是喘息跟咳嗽. 阿珠爬樓梯沒有特別會喘可是跟其他貓比起來他很會咳嗽. 咳嗽通常被描述成一種乾的,乾咳很容易跟嘔吐跟乾嘔混淆. 這就是我一直以為阿珠是在吐毛啊 很多貓都被誤以為是在吐毛 就是我啦(不過也是有經驗的人先跟我講說那是吐毛啊 因為阿珠是我家年紀對大的貓 理應是第一個友毛球問題啊 所以就一直以為阿珠的獨特吐毛啊) 會經常的發生週期性的咳嗽.  症狀輕微的貓,只會偶爾發生. 有些貓會發生急性的氣道收縮. 在最嚴重的狀況可能會天天都會咳嗽或是氣喘跟數度氣道收縮,會導致貓張口呼吸或是喘氣可能因此導致生命危險.



The symptoms of asthma can mimic other diseases, such as heartworm, pneumonia and congestive heart failure. A diagnosis is reached by using chest x-rays, a complete blood count, a feline heartworm test, and a technique to sample cells from the lower airways (transtracheal wash, bronchial wash, or bronchoalveolar lavage). Chest x-rays may be normal in some cats with asthma, while others will have signs of bronchial inflammation, collapse of the right middle lung lobe, and over inflation of the lungs.


氣喘的症狀可能跟其他疾病的問題很類似, 例如心絲蟲,肺炎跟充血性心臟衰竭.  診斷方法是用胸部X光,完整得血球記數檢查,心絲蟲檢驗,跟由下呼吸道細胞(經氣管沖洗支氣管沖洗或支氣管肺泡灌洗)來確定. 胸部X光可能在一些貓有氣喘的貓看起來正常,但是可發現有些可能會有支氣管發炎,肺葉塌陷或是肺部有膨脹跡象


Unfortunately, feline asthma is a chronic progressive disease that cannot be fully cured. Medications can reduce the symptoms of asthma a great deal, but may not be able to eliminate coughing fully. In recent years, veterinarians have found that the most effective therapy for feline asthma may be to use inhalers such as human asthmatics use. A mask and spacer system, called AeroKat®, has been invented to enable cats to use inhalers or puffers. This system is similar to the mask and spacer system used to treat babies and small children.



很不幸地,貓氣喘是一種慢性漸進的問題是沒有辦法完全醫好的.  藥物可以有效減低氣喘症狀,但是沒有辦法完全的消除咳嗽問題. 近年來,獸醫們發現了最有效的治療貓氣喘可以用一種類似有氣喘人類所使用的吸入器.  是一種面罩隔離系統叫做AeroKat,已經備研發可以用在貓身上.  這種東西跟拿來用在人類小嬰兒或是小孩的是類似的.



The most important type of drug for treating feline asthma is a corticosteroid to reduce the chronic inflammation. The most commonly prescribed corticosteroid inhaler is Flovent®. Some feline patients also benefit from another type of medication called a bronchodilator. Bronchodilators help open the airway at times of severe coughing or wheezing. One common bronchodilator inhaler used for humans and cats is Apo-Salvent®.


用來治療貓氣喘的最重要的一種藥物是皮質類固醇,這是用來減輕慢性發炎.  最常被醫生使用的糖皮質激素吸入劑叫做 Flovent.  一些貓病患也因使用支氣管擴張劑而受益.  支氣管擴張劑能幫助貓在劇烈咳嗽或是喘氣的時候將氣道打開.一種普遍使用的支氣管擴張劑叫做Apo-Salvent.


Some feline asthmatics may be given oral medication. This may be necessary if the patient does not respond well to inhaler therapy alone, but the amount of oral medication given is usually less than if the cat was not on inhaler therapy at all. Many patients that started asthma therapy a few years or more ago will be only on oral therapy, usually a corticosteroid such as prednisone. While oral therapy may be less expensive than inhaler therapy, it is suspected that inhaler therapy can do a better job and is associated with fewer long-term side effects. Regardless of the type of medication used, it is important to notify your veterinarian if there is any change in your cat's condition while on asthma medication.

有些氣喘貓可能醫生會給一些口服藥. 這在如果貓對於吸入輔助器沒辦法有效反應,但是如果那貓沒使用吸入輔助器是較少會給予口服藥劑的.  很多貓在開始氣喘治療前幾年或更久可能只會給予叫做強體松(一種腎上腺皮質類固醇)的糖皮質激素的口服劑.  雖然口服劑可能比吸入治療便宜,但是吸入治療有可能比口服劑更有效且能避免一些長期使用藥物的副作用.  不管使用哪種藥物,重要的如果你的貓狀況有任何改變你都要通知你的獸醫


Some actions can be taken in the home to reduce the symptoms of feline asthma. Avoiding smoke from fireplaces and cigarettes is very important. This type of smoke tends to settle near the floor in a room at the cat's breathing level. Reducing the use of air fresheners and other household sprays can also be effective. Use human grooming products that are in spray form, such as hair sprays or deodorants, well away from the affected cat. Change to a low-dust clay cat litter or one that is made of an alternate material. Air purifiers may also be helpful. Any activity that is associated with symptoms of asthma in the individual cat, such as going outside in cold weather, should be avoided. Finally, obese cats will benefit from weight reduction.


在家裡可以採取一些行動來減輕貓氣喘的症狀. 遠離壁爐的煙,香菸是很重要的.  這種型態的煙通常是會飄到貓可以呼吸的高度. 減少使用空氣清新噴霧跟其他家庭所使用的噴霧都會有幫助. 當在使用噴霧髮膠時候,或是身體除臭劑都要遠離可影響貓的距離.  使用低粉塵的貓礦砂或是用替代材料所製成的貓沙.  空氣清淨器也可會有幫助. 避免任何可能會影響到貓的活動例如在冷天出去.  最後,胖貓會因減肥而獲益 (啊啊啊阿珠 你你你 難道你真的藥減肥啊啊啊啊 難道你的怪怪都是因為過重???? 難道你真的藥減肥啊啊啊啊 難道你的怪怪都是因為過重???????)



以上原文有點很老了 不過 這是我對於貓氣喘入門第一步


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