

小醫生 (dr. little ) 再放完假跟腫瘤科醫生談完後  打電話來了

腫瘤科醫生建議截肢後化療 (化療會做 但是我會查看看針灸有沒幫助)

醫生表示 最少還可以活兩年  大於兩年的機會很大


下面是切片結果: (我跟醫生要報告  要不然那一堆有的沒有的專有名詞 谁寄的住啊?) 全數由辜大嬸幫忙翻譯  我懶得改了

Microsopic description:

separating trabeculae is a poorly demacrated mass composed of disorganized streams of plump spindle cells supported by collagen forming trabeculae and islands of osteoid, bone, and cartilage.

Cells have round to oval nuclei, condensed chromatin, inconspicuous nucleoli, scant cytoplasm, and indistinct cell borders.

Anisokaryosis is mild to moderate.  Mitoses are not observed.



厭食症輕度至中度。 沒有觀察到線粒體。


Microscopic findings:  osteosarcome顯微鏡下發現:骨肉瘤


Comments: osteosarcoma acounts for 70% of malignant bone tumor in cats.  67% of osteoscrcomas in cats are appendicular with osteosarcomas of the skull, pelvis, and ribs occuring less frequently.

predilection site are not as well defined in cats as in dogs.  The distal femur and proximal tibia appear to be most commonly affected.  Although osteosarcomas are locally invasive, the incidence of metastasis in cats in considerable less than in dogs.  80% of cats in one sutdy were alive 26 months following amputation of the affeted limb.  Another study reported a median survival time of 49 months following amputation of appendicular osteosarcomas.  In one sduty, 4/11 cats showed metastasis to the lungs or liver.  Cats with axial osteosarcoma have much shorter survival times.

評論:骨肉瘤佔貓惡性骨腫瘤的70%。 貓中67%的骨肉瘤是闌尾的,頭骨,骨盆和肋骨的骨肉瘤很少出現。

貓的好發部位不如狗。 股骨遠端和脛骨近端似乎最常見。 儘管骨肉瘤是局部侵襲性的,但是貓中轉移的發生率比狗中低得多。 在截肢患肢的肢體切除術後26個月,其中80%的貓還活著。 另一項研究報導了闌尾骨肉瘤截肢後中位生存時間為49個月。 在一項研究中,有4/11隻貓表現出向肺或肝的轉移。 患有軸向骨肉瘤的貓的生存時間短得多。




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